Peer Academy empowers people to help

For nearly two years, Martin Kasey worked as a nurse’s aide in a psychiatric hospital, helping people through the worst times of their lives.
He enjoyed the work, but he couldn’t share an important truth: He struggles with mental illness himself. When his depression spiraled into a series of crises, he lost his job. He was hospitalized twice, including once after a suicide attempt.
“Before I was in the hospital, I was dreading the future. Now, I am taking baby steps toward thinking about the future.” -Martin Kasey
Now, just 14 months after his last hospitalization, Martin said he has “started to find my personality again,” thanks in part to Unity House’s PROSperity program.
“I came to appreciate the uniqueness of PROS, just like how many different kinds of people were all finding common ground and accepting each other,” Martin said. “I was really encouraged by the practitioners, who had a very professional but also a very friendly attitude toward everybody.”
Soon, Martin began speaking up during groups, offering insights that helped others make progress, said PROS director Taylor Casamassima.
“We love having Martin here,” Taylor said. “You can tell that he cares.”
Feedback from peers inspired Martin to join PROS’ Peer Academy. Graduates of the program become certified peer specialists, eligible to be hired by Unity House and other organizations that provide mental health services.
Martin’s experience has helped him complete the learning modules relatively quickly. He hopes to be finished soon and would like to get hired.
“Before I was in the hospital, I was dreading the future,” Martin said. “Now, I am taking baby steps toward thinking about the future. I am feeling confident in my ability to have a job as a peer and a career in mental health.”
Meet Jessica and George
Two other PROS participants are engaged in Peer Academy, too. PROS participant Jessica Bulger said being part of Peer Academy gives her hope:

“It allows people who might think they could never have a job again to realize that they can still have a purpose,” she said. “Working in an environment like (PROS), I would love that because I just like helping people.”
For George Anthony, a PROS participant who recently completed all of his peer certification requirements, becoming a peer specialist would be a chance to give back.

“People so freely helped me,” George said. “It’s nice to see a familiar face when you’re struggling… I’m not a clinician, so I can share my experiences about what got me through some tough situations.”