CEO Liz Smith and COO Darlene Podolak commend Unity House staff during DSP Week

Unity House Chief Executive Officer Liz Smith and Chief Operating Officer Darlene Podolak had the following to say about our Unity House staff members during DSP Week:

From CEO Liz Smith:

“I am sitting here, trying to find the words to express how grateful I am for the hard work you put in everyday.  And as always, I feel like my words will be inadequate on some level.

Your essence as a human is uniquely different from others. You are cut from a different cloth than most. You have this desire to help and support all those around you, including your peers. You repeatedly rise to the latest challenges that are thrown at you.

I was reading through outcomes from satisfaction surveys of the people you all support and the results were amazing … The people you support have spoken. They feel safe, supported and listened to. And you have done this through pandemics and staffing shortages and policy changes.

You are amazing. And so, I think it is apropos to use the word amazing to describe what you do everyday here at Unity House,. because what you do is especially remarkable.

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And know that you continually teach me everyday.”

From COO Darlene Podolak:

“DSP Week is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate, elevate and acknowledge all the hard work and long hours our dedicated staff give to our mission. You enrich the lives of so many people across the agency, teaching and supporting self-advocacy, self-determination, and in doing this, demonstrate that they are valued community members … You also are valued here at Unity House and I am grateful you are on Team Unity!”

This week, we distributed (or are distributing) crocs for all DSPs, some of which I have seen in use already! Enjoy them!

The Unity Games were the highlight yesterday afternoon, and I wanted to thank the 10 teams who came to participate and the program sites and supervisors who arranged for their participation. I want to acknowledge the numerous volunteers who also were in attendance and helped with food, games, clean up, and a couple who jumped into incomplete teams and joined the fun! I think is was a successful event and Unity swept the medal board! Unity Games also needed your participation, energy and enthusiasm … it is wonderful to see people getting to know people from other sites and departments.

This has been a amazing week of celebrating YOU and I am honored to be a part of it.”