GivingTuesday UHized

Tips for team leaders - 2024

Thank you for taking a stand for people with disabilities! We're eager to help you reach your Giving Tuesday goals. We've created this page to help. Follow the steps, in order, and you can't lose.

1. Share your story

The #1 reason people give to a cause is shockingly simple: They were asked. The #2 reason is that they were asked by someone they know and trust. That’s you. How has Unity House helped you, someone you love, or your community? The answer to that question is your Unity House story. Put it on your giving page and share it when you reach out. Your friends might not know Unity House, but they know you and they'll want to help.

2. Lead by example: Make your gift first

How much? Few people will give more than you are willing to give to your own campaign. Consider giving as much as you hope your highest gift will be.

3. Make a few easy asks in person

Think of a couple people you think will probably give, if only because they love you. Give them a call or visit them in person. Tell them why you're involved and then make a personal request. Remember, you're not asking for money for yourself. You're an ambassador for a worthy cause. Ask them to join you in standing up for people with disabilities by making a gift. Most likely, they'll say yes.

4. Ask for a favor with personalized emails

Over the years, you’ve helped many people - people who WANT to show their appreciation. This campaign gives them a chance to do that. And that makes your relationship stronger. Send them an each a personalized email and include the link to your page. Tell them why the campaign is important to you and then ask them to make a contribution of any size. They'll want to be part of something that's important to you.

5. Share socially

It's time to rally your social media network. Post the link to your team page with a brief message on why this cause is important to you. Be clear about your ask: Please give and share!

If you haven't set up your team fundraising page yet, click here:

To see what other team leaders have done with their pages, click here:

Cookie Monster wisdom

6. Thank your supporters

This is the best part of fundraising. Don't skip it. People give because it makes them feel good. Their gift makes you feel good. Share the love. Reach out to your friends who supported you and let them know you appreciate it.

7. Provide updates

As we approach Giving Tuesday, keep the hype up. Share milestones, such as "I've hit 50% of my goal!" Post a photo of a friend to thank her for her contribution. Make it urgent, such as "Just four more days to donate to my page" or "All gifts will be doubled if they arrive before we reach our goal."

8. On Giving Tuesday (Dec. 3), go all out

Dec. 3 is the last day of the campaign. It's the day to ramp things up with two or three or more posts. "Almost there!" Contact your friends who have already given and ask them to share your posts.

9. Get creative

This is your campaign, so make it yours and make it fun. Consider offering incentives for those who give. Do you make good cookies? Offer to give one to every donor on your page. You could promise to do something out of character if you reach your goal - run a 5K, stand on your head for 10 minutes, shave your head, sit in an icebath, whatever.

10. Ask for help

Do you want personalized advice? Maybe you'd like help with the messaging on your page or your social media post? Or maybe you'd like to talk through some crazy idea to get more donors. Just send an email to Include a phone number and we'll get right back to you. We'll do all we can to help you feel the joy of reaching your goal.

Thanks for having the courage to let people know where you stand. You believe that every person, regardless of their limitations, deserves to dignity, respect, and a chance to realize their full potential. By creating and promoting your Giving Tuesday fundraising page, you're inviting friends and family to stand with you. Your example and your story will change lives.