Developmental/Intellectual Disability Services
Supporting, Guiding and Motivating People with Disabilities to Achieve Their Goals
Developmental/Intellectual Disability Services
Supporting, Guiding and Motivating People with Disabilities to Achieve Their Goals
Respite Care - Cayuga & Tompkins Counties
Emergency and planned respite care with 24-hour staffing in a comfortable, home-like environment for overnight stays.
Day Habilitation - Cayuga & Tompkins Counties
One-on-one social interaction and group sessions with trained staff, building self-worth, independence and life skills.
Residential - Cayuga, Tompkins & Onondaga Counties
Supervised housing with 24-hour support from trained staff. Supportive housing sites include 1-2 person apartments with intermittent staff assistance provided throughout the week, as needed.
Individualized Support Services (ISS)
Helping people live on their own rather than in an OPWDD-certified program or with other family members.
Self Direction - Cayuga, Onondaga, Oswego & Tompkins Counties
Partnering with people and their families to help them choose the supports and services that best fit their needs.
Unity Employment Services (UES) - Cayuga, Ontario, Seneca & Wayne Counties
Providing people the opportunity to prepare for and find competitive, meaningful employment in their community. Services include: Supported Employment (SEMP), Employee Training Program (ETP), Pathway to Employment (PTE), Community-Based Prevocational Services (CBPV) and more.