CEO’s Perspective: True to the Mission

Unity House CEO Liz Smith greets Auburn Day Hab participant Rob Clark

It is with a lot of emotion and so many memories that I announce my retirement from Unity House, effective the last day of this year.

I have loved my time at Unity House. I am grateful to have worked with so many talented and creative people dedicated to our mission. I’m talking about our amazing frontline staff, our support staff and our volunteer board members. I’m also talking about you. Thank you for all you’ve done to support Unity House, and me, as we worked to empower people with disabilities. Read the full article: CEO’s Perspective: True to the Mission

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Unity House CEO seeks help with challenges, opportunities in 2024

Thank you for being among Unity House’s supporters. In this new year, we’ll need your help more than ever to empower people with disabilities. That’s why I want to share with you the major challenges and opportunities ahead. Our greatest challenge remains staffing. Because state funding for our work has fallen behind inflation for well… Read the full article: Unity House CEO seeks help with challenges, opportunities in 2024

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