Urge Governor Hochul to Fund Mental Health Housing Programs in the 2024-25 State Budget

Unity House is partnering with the Association for Community Living (ACL) to urge Governor Hochul to include better funding for mental health programs in the state budget.
SEND A LETTER NOW: https://takeaction.io/acl/urge-governor-hochul-to-fund-mental-health-housing-programs-in-the-2024-2025-state-budget/
Please take a moment to send an E-letter directly to Governor Hochul to remind her of the importance of modernizing the Mental Health Housing System across New York State. Current mental health housing models were created in 1984. To properly care for our residents, we must modernize our housing programs. We need $230 million to enhance staffing, provide much needed resources, and pay staff an adequate wage to address ongoing recruitment and retention challenges.
Sending a letter is so easy to do! Just click above, complete the form at the bottom of the link, and a digital copy of an E-letter will be generated addressed from you to the Governor. You can then either choose to e-mail it OR print and mail a hard copy.

It is imperative that we make it clear to the Governor that she needs to put substantial resources in her executive budget proposal NOW. Our goal is to send at least 25,000 letters to the Governor before she finalizes her budget in mid-December.
We encourage you to send the E-letter and forward this link to anyone who would also be willing to send it. To learn more about Bring It Home, visit their website, bringithomenys.org, and follow them on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram!