PROS participants create newsletter, close out Fall 2023 semester

AUBURN — As part of PROSperity Services’ (PROS) fall offering of classes, Unity House Multimedia & Development Coordinator Nicole Hube led participants in creating a fall-themed informational newsletter as part of a communications and marketing strategy class titled The Art of Storytelling. To read the newsletter, click here: Participants learned about the basics of… Read the full article: PROS participants create newsletter, close out Fall 2023 semester

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Unity House presents: For the Next Generation, free estate planning seminar

Unity House presents: For the Next Generation

Join volunteer members of Unity House’s Planned Giving Advisory Council for coffee, snacks and an interactive panel presentation on how to make the most of your assets. • 10 to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 1, 2023 in the community room at West Middle School, 217 Genesee St., Auburn Every adult needs a will. If you’re thinking… Read the full article: Unity House presents: For the Next Generation, free estate planning seminar

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Longevity Awards: Recognizing Longstanding Employees

Our longstanding staff were recognized during our annual Longevity Awards recognition ceremonies. Congratulations to the following Unity House staff on their 2023 employment milestones. We are so grateful for all of you. Thank you for your years of dedication to help empower those we support. You are AWESOME! 30 years: Darlene Podolak 25 years: Gary… Read the full article: Longevity Awards: Recognizing Longstanding Employees

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Unity House Welcomes New Board Member

Unity House’s Executive Director Liz Smith has announced that a new community leader has joined the nonprofit’s board of directors.

Dr. Shari Weiss, executive director of Cayuga Community Health Network, was inducted to the board in August. Dr. Weiss has extensive experience in a range of human services including homeless housing, chemical dependency, mental health, and public health and policy. Read the full article: Unity House Welcomes New Board Member

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UES food service program prepares individuals for competitive employment

Unity House’s Career-Specific Vocational Training (CSVT) food service program has been learning knife handling skills at the Center For Learning at Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES in Auburn. “The feedback from the participants has been overwhelmingly positive. They absolutely love the program,” said Unity Employment Services Program Director Amanda McManus. “Our staff have worked tirelessly to get this… Read the full article: UES food service program prepares individuals for competitive employment

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Beardsley Golf Tournament raises funds for Unity House

Pictured are Nick and Chris Shrimpton, Josh Swoleman, and Eric Hlywa golfing at Highland Park Golf Course in Auburn, New York.

Beardsley Architects + Engineers recently held their 19th annual charity golf tournament at Highland Park Golf Course in Auburn. This year’s beneficiary for the event was Unity House. 13 foursomes competed against one another on 18 holes, followed by dinner and an awards ceremony. The winning team was 12 under par and consisted of Chris… Read the full article: Beardsley Golf Tournament raises funds for Unity House

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